Who we are?
Scientists, practitioners and members of the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry. The course content is the result of in-kind work by around 40 contributors. The coordination is done by Ida Wallin (SLU) and Todora Rogelja (UniPD). ForGEDI MOOC is supported by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU (Sweden) and the University of Padova – UniPD (Italy).
What do we do?
We advance gender equality, diversity, and inclusion (GEDI) in forest-related sectors through reducing the educational gap and make the latest GEDI research and best practices in forest-related sectors easily available to everyone.
It is the first Massive Open Online Course on gender equality and diversity issues in forest-related sectors. Such courses should contribute to filling in the tremendous educational gap, as topics of gender equality and diversity are highly under-represented, if not non-existent in many universities worldwide.
MOOC ForGEDi is developed under the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry and is (currently) sponsored by SLU Global and the University of Padova. Our team is comprised of about 40 contributors (well-established researchers, professors, and practitioners) from all around the world, making it possible to design content that can fit multiple contexts and needs.
MOOC ForGEDi will be delivered via the FutureLearn platform. Thus, it will be open access and available worldwide. MOOC ForGEDi will be delivered in three weeks, each covering one significant aspect of the topic. Week 1 will introduce basic concepts of inclusion, gender equality, and diversity, Week 2 will present worldwide case studies. Lastly, Week 3 will offer practical tools for dealing with gender equality and diversity issues in forestry-related sectors.
MOOC ForGEDi is primarily designed for forestry students and university educators worldwide (primarily target group). Due to the topic's relevance, it will also benefit students and educators of forest-related sectors (i.e. rural development, trade, environment, etc.) – a secondary target group. Last but not least, MOOC ForGEDi will also be suitable and beneficial to professionals as well as in VETs, due to the EU micro-credentials approach (tertiarily target group)
MOOC ForGEDi will start on March 06, 2024. (first facilitated run). We hope to organise at least two more facilitated runs (depending on our available resources).
A person/organisation support/engages in/sponsor MOOC ForGEDi as we offer opportunities for learning, connecting, and voicing the needs. Throughout the MOOC, we will also offer hands-on tools and resources for students, educators, and professionals in forestry and forest-related sectors. From one side, topics of gender equality and diversity are gaining increasing policy attention and are even becoming mandatory in everyday work (e.g. in project applications). On the other side, gender equality and diversity issues are influencing the management and use of forests and other natural resources "on the ground". Despite that trend, the capacity to deal with gender equality and diversity issues is very low in forestry sectors worldwide.
A person/organisation can support MOOC ForGEDi by becoming a sponsor. We are now open to a limited number of sponsorships in the form of in-kind contributions or small donations (5,000 – 10,000 EUR). Sponsorships will be used to ensure the highest quality of educational materials (e.g. graphical editing, video materials), as well as strategic online presence and promotions. We are also investigating opportunities for organising a tailored session for our prospective sponsors.

What's in it for you?
Learn how societal norms shape forestry. Observe best practices and practical tools from four continents to understand what you can implement in your context to make forestry and forest related sectors more gender equal, diverse and inclusive.